Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kairissa suffered 13 bone fractures

The prosecution's last witness Thursday was the medical examiner who told jurors that 4-year-old Kairissa Mark died from a severe head injury, according to NewsChannel 5 WTVF-TV.

The prosecution's last witness Thursday was the medical examiner who told jurors that 4-year-old Kairissa Mark died from a severe head injury.

Earlier in the day a doctor from Vanderbilt Children's Hospital told the jury when Kairissa arrived at the hospital she was already brain dead. Only machines kept her alive in the intensive care unit. Doctor Paul Hain said x-rays revealed a severe head injury. The exam also found the child had suffered 13 bone fractures during the two months prior to her death.

The prosecution rested their case early in the afternoon.

Later in the day Mark's defense team put her husband Steven Mark on the stand, but he would not answer questions.

"I'm exercising my rights under the 5th amendment respectfully decline to answer," said Steven Mark from the witness stand.