Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Less than 90 days after the Marks adopted her, Kairissa was dead

Included in the prosecution’s opening statement by Wilson County Assistant District Attorney Jason Lawson were the nine counts Mark is charged with, including first degree murder, according to Mt Juliet News.

The other counts included inflicting injury to Kairisa’s head and body; injury to the child’s mouth; injury to her breasts and nipples; injury to her skeletal system; injury to her hands and fingers; injuries to her face and eye; to her back and to her thighs.

Lawson told the jury, that consisted of six men and six women, along with four male alternates, that Kairisa did not have to die. And, that less than 90 days after the Marks adopted her, she was dead. He told the jury that Kairisa had a skull fracture and leaking brain; multiple rib fractures; multiple bruises on her back and thigh; a black eye; scarred nipples; teeth broken out and fresh abrasions.